Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A few things I'm loving right now.

1. taking pictures of my feet...

2. this green bench...

3. this adorable little guy...


brionyskerjance said...

i love taking pics of my feet too...i have pics of my feet all over the world. ahaha. it's fun to put them next to each other and see the differences and try to identify where they were taken.

Laurie Keen said...

love that green bench...very creative. OK So i have to ask..I LOVE YOUR HEADING PIC of you and that green bench. where in the world is that at? That is too cool....great job!!

By the way thanks for posting about that contest! I followed that blog to another blog of a photographer that has all those actions that I so love!!! But I when I was reading it, it talked about a WB Lens Cap....I went and bought it!!! That was a great deal...the one i have been looking for was like 100 bucks...I hope to learn a little more in that area this year...we shall see!

SO THANKS!!! Talk with you soon...

Ashley Bridges said...